Room reservation
Do you want to apply for a room or an apartment ?
(NB. The apartments are reserved for married couples)
To assess your application, we need the following information from you:
- What would be your arrival and departure dates (as precisely as can be predicted)? Minimum stay of 3 months required.
- What study or research program will you be following?
- Do you have a scholarship, and, if so, from which body? What is the monthly amount ? Or do you have a blocked account or a guarantor ?
- What is your nationality? We are only allowed by the Belgian Ministry of Cooperation to house students coming from countries which are on the list of 32 partner countries and with whom the Belgian non-governmental cooperation has elaborated a Common Strategic Framework.
Thank you for including your enrollment document, proof of your scholarship/blocked account or guarantor and a copy of your Identity Card.
Please send an e-mail to
Burkina Faso
RD Congo
More about us
Who are we
OBSG is an organisation which aims to promote human, brotherly and harmonious development, which, for half a century, has been committed to the reception, housing, assistance, and guidance of students, PhD candidates and trainees from partner countries of the Belgian Development Cooperation.
What do we do
We offer accommodation for (in total) about 50 students who come to study at the University and colleges in Ghent. Our emphasis is on creating an atmosphere that feels like a “home away from home”.
What else do we do
We also provide support to international students from the Global South who do not live in our accommodation.
Our “Club van Eyck”, a meeting facility, is open to all foreign students where they can come together, make friendships, exchange ideas and discuss their ideals.
We organize numerous socio-cultural activities in order to bring students into contact with Belgian culture and with people from Ghent.
Our social service provides practical, social, financial and psychological support for students who need it.
OBSG aims to support the training of skilled personnel for the harmonious development of other, especially non-Western, countries in a spirit of global solidarity, harmony and brotherhood.
We are recognized and supported by the Belgian Governmental Agency for Development Cooperation - Development Cooperation and Humanitarian Aid Service.
Our history
OBSG was founded as a non-profit association in 1977, as the result of the work, effort and dedication of Father Charles de Hemptinne (1933-2017), a Catholic priest. Appointed in 1975 as chaplain of the foreign students in Ghent, Father Charles recognised the need for a place where international students, far away from home, could meet each other and seek out practical and spiritual support.
The OBSG residence, as it is today, began with a house in Ghent in the Kortrijksesteenweg that was bought in 1976. In the following years, with help from family and friends, Father Charles was able to take over other houses in the street and install a real students’ residence that was recognized by the Belgian Services of Cooperation to the Development in 1981. A major innovation for that time was the supply of some accommodation for students with families.
Since OBSG began, Father Charles was able to count upon the support of many collaborators and volunteers, including University professors, social workers, neighbours, friends, and, especially, the members of his own family, who generously helped the evolution of OBSG.
In 1997, a second non-profit association was created - Club Van Eyck – which had the specific aim of promoting cultural encounters and events between residents, other students and the population of Ghent. One year later, the estate of a beloved neighbour, Maria Lingier (known to the students as “Moeke” or “granny”) allowed the construction of the meeting hall “the Academy Van Eyck”. Since then, this hall has allowed students and non-students to organize many activities and events.
The OBSG is sincerely grateful for the financial support and appreciation of the Belgian Ministry of Development Cooperation as well as for the many gifts of donors, who have made it possible to create a warm, welcoming and supportive ‘home-far-away-from home’.

It gives me great pleasure that at OBSG I can enjoy my stay with students of different nationalities. Staying at OBSG gives me the feeling that I have family here in Belgium. I will always remember the kindness, care and support that I received during my stay in Ghent.
News and other info
Navigating Studies and Student Employment in Belgium: A Guide for International Students
At OBSG, we're committed to supporting you in every aspect of your journey, which includes navigating the job market while you're studying. We've noticed that some students are unaware of their rights or unsure who to turn to when encountering challenges with their student employment. To address this, we asked help from ACV, Belgium's largest trade union, to host an information session marathon in February 2024 for every international student in Ghent.
During these sessions, students had the opportunity to anonymously ask questions, and a representative from the trade union provided detailed answers, offering insights into the rights and obligations associated with student employment.
If you're an international student with questions about your rights as a student worker in Belgium, we encourage you to reach out. Send an email with your questions to:
Make sure to mention OBSG in your email to ensure your query reaches the appropriate contact.
As a student, you can become a member of a trade union for free.
Your possibilities are:
Welcome Guide International Students 2020-2021 (download pdf) :
City Map Ghent :
University life :
University of Ghent (UGent) :
University College Ghent (HOGent) :
Artevelde University College (Arteveldehogeschool) :
De Lijn (bus) : Info Tickets & travel passes :
NMBS (train) : Journey planner and buy a ticket : www.belgianrail.en
Rent a bike :
Tips & tricks for international students from the City service center of Gent :